vintage vest in the blue striped shirt

12:29 AM Inggil Retno Dewanty 0 Comments

I recently completed a blue shirt. I just want to post all the clothes from my design or made-up into my blog. I made ​​a shirt that fit shirt that is a trend this year. I chose the color blue with striped cotton cloth decorated to make it look more alive and not too plain. Since my father was a tailor, then when he went to buy a few pieces of fabric according to customer's request, I saw Golden Mella blue cloth fresh, and I made ​​the shirt. Not too bad for the size of the fashion magazine style. I combine it with a light blue vintage vest with transparent glass ornaments and floral motif on the bottom. I found it among my clothes in a warehouse store. The vest trend around the late 80's. So, my shirt plain sight, but unique. This is one of my style of dress. Mix of lingerie models into a unique outfit.

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